Advisory Council

Hornet Advisory Council
Highland Prep West operates under the belief that in order to become the school we are destined to be, we must remain in a constant state of learning, growth, and improvement. The Highland Prep West Hornet Advisory Council seeks to ensure that school improvement remains at the forefront of all we do. The Advisory Council will consist of four to five parents, one student, an administrator, and one certified and one non-certified staff member. Together, we will study the evolution of the school, seeking to improve processes and procedures related to areas such as: student achievement, student wellness, curriculum, safety, and discipline. This will be in correlation with the school’s annual improvement plan.

Who is the Hornet Advisory Council?
The Hornet Advisory Council (HAC) is a team of individuals representing various segments of the school community. The HAC will include parents, teachers, students, administrators, and support staff. Community members may be invited to HAC meetings as relevant.

What does the Hornet Advisory Council do?
HAC members gather to discuss the school’s vision, mission, and progress towards annual goals. The HAC is a place to respectfully share opinions and suggestions and will play an active role in supporting the evolution of the school.

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